Rearranging, and changing link?


New Member
Hey all,

1) I've noticed on some sites on here the layout is totally different, like it shows hits and votes on the homepage? How can I accomplish that?

2) Is there a way so the links on the homepage go to the details page? Not the actual hard link? Also in a new tab?

3) Way to allow users to submit to multiple categories?

Thanks for the help!


Active Member
1. HTML / CSS - you can style your design as you want.
2. Edit tables :
  • table_row.html
  • table_top_row.html
  • table_row_premium.html
  • table_top_row_premium.html
3. Maybe


Staff member
1) eg. {$unq_in_0_daily} to display daily hits in
{$A_B_C_D} - Stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'; C is either 'max', 'avg', or an integer from 0 through 9 where 0 is today/this week/this month and 9 is 9 days ago/9 weeks ago/9 months ago; D is 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'
{$A_B_overall} - Overall stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'
2) like cajkan sai, those are the files, in there you see the link code which goes to details page, just replace your hard link. New page is target="_blank" , adding that to the <a> code

3) nope