funny kids oh lala ... just to teach those kids, a regular website made by a professional, a company, what ever would costs you at least between 2.000 and 3.000 euros !
talking about a common website ok ?
SO just think about and compare :
Mark and Basti spending millions hours of coding and helping, answering at forums ... and to earn how much ??? 30$ a copy ? pfffff
maybe they sold 100 copy over 2 years, come on this is just a ridiculous amount.
noone could live, buy food, pay bills, rent the flat, ... with so few earnings.
Believe me, i was a coder when i was young, so i know whats its about, spending hours, hours, hours, hours ... on coding, improving, checking, testing, helping users ...
Those guys dont do VL to earn money, wooo no definitly
its a passion, they are code addict, yessss 2 of the best human kind represents !!!
hip hip hip hourra buddies !
VL is as a religion for them ! u dont practice a religion to earn money, but to give love to people, yeah dats my opinion about the boys

mark and basti => +100%