Might be usefull for some of the users to have a ranking based on th Review (not needed for me). Instead of unique hits in, out, pageviews, etc it would be probably something new to have a ranking based on review. Visiolist has a review system in place already (giving stars). Not sure if other users would be interested in that but it is always something new that nobody else is useing (or only few). It can be show as a procentage. Let say we have a score from 1 to 5 were 1 is poor and 5 is excelent. just procentage from all the ratings.
Just a though.
example: http://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2011-releases
It might create unique system just for Visiolist
Might be usefull for some of the users to have a ranking based on th Review (not needed for me). Instead of unique hits in, out, pageviews, etc it would be probably something new to have a ranking based on review. Visiolist has a review system in place already (giving stars). Not sure if other users would be interested in that but it is always something new that nobody else is useing (or only few). It can be show as a procentage. Let say we have a score from 1 to 5 were 1 is poor and 5 is excelent. just procentage from all the ratings.
Just a though.
example: http://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2011-releases
It might create unique system just for Visiolist