If you sort by HitsIn and two sites get the same hits in - how are they distinguished then? Alphabeticly, number of page views? How about when you use Page Views and got the same number of views? How is then distinguished?
at this time, ties are not handled at all. Infact some rather strange behavior might happen with a tie, you might see the same sites listed more than once.
whoever has sent the higher overall total # of unique clicks in will be listed ahead of the others. This had a positive effect on my test list where many sites were tied with 0 hits... the sites who have sent the most unique traffic in the past were listed higher, that seems fair to me
Basti came up with a better idea, instead of using the overall "in" count, he used overall "in/out/pageviews" count, depending on what the current ranking method is. A little more dynamic nice!