Questions about banners


New Member
Hi, I got some questions about banners.

1. Is there a way to use external banners instead of upload them?
2. How to change max filesize for banners? 100kb it's too little for animated gif banners.
3. What's the difference between normal banners and premium ones?
4. I don't know if this is a bug, but when you purchase premium membership for a secondary site, the option "upload premium banner" doesn't appears. It only works when is the main site the one that have the premium membership.



Staff member
1. there is, but why would you want that? only slows down your site
2. i think we dont have an admin setting for that yet. Its still hardcoded sources/user_cp/banner.php
$max_size= "100";
found 2 times, one for regular banner, second for premium
3. That function is useful lets say when you dont allow regular banners to be bigger than 88x31 ( example a small button ). You could allow premium to have bigger ones to stand out more.
4. That sounds like a bug, yes. We will test that and apply a fix for the 0.7 final


Staff member
Something for all users to consider, before altering the max size :)

100kb is twice the size most good ad networks allow for animated gif. If you allow your members to upload large files your site could slow to a crawl and be penalized by Google who now factors page load time into its algorithm. If you do allow large animated banners try to keep the number of banners showing per page to a minimum.


Is this true for allowing the server to count pageviews as well? It slows the loading down and might get penalized by google?


Staff member
counting pageviews will not slow down your server or website load time. However it CAN cause your site to use more server resources than you might have available, in which case you could bring your server down altogether or be forced to upgrade to a bigger hosting plan with more CPU/RAM.