QR Code for links


New Member
I think it would be great if the link is also shown as a QR code graphics.


There is a free library that can create those graphics: http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/

Unfortunately, I have no idea about programming this.

I would be very glad if someone could create such a plugin.


Active Member
Hmmm maybe for mainpage would be good, but i have never seen anyone topsite / toplist using this.


Staff member
Go here and generate your QR code for your URL: http://www.qrstuff.com/

then upload the image to your server and add the img tag referencing that QR image to the template you want to place it.


New Member
I think you misunderstood me. The QR codes are intended for the members of my list.

QR codes are very popular in germany. You find them everywhere now. I personally use them to quickly send links to my friends via SMS and WhatsApp.


Staff member
Nope understood you just fine :) Do as I instructed to generate your QR code, and give it to your members either in your link_code (via plugin or via template). Or you can also make a box for it in your wrapper template.


Staff member
UPDATE: Ahh if you need to use the "non Google friendly" links then yes you would need to generate a unique QR code for each member, also I dont think QR codes would pass the correct referrer in any case. Need to investigate this more


New Member
With Google's help, I solved the problem myself. Google has an API with which you can create the QR images. The following code can be easily inserted anywhere:
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=100x100&cht=qr&chl={$url}" alt="{$url}" width="100" height="100" />
Now it looks like this: http://www.qforen.de/details/youropinion/


New Member
It is not possible that the hits are counted. In the QR image only the link is stored. How should the visiolist find out, that you have photographed the QR ;)


New Member
It works by replacing the "&" character:

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=100x100&cht=qr&chl={$list_url}/index.php?a=out%26u={$username}%26go=1" alt="{$url}" width="100" height="100" />
Now the outhits are counted.


if its still needed i could put this into a plugin simply PM me if anyone needs it as a plugin
(btw .. google has a solution for everything huh? Oo)