Problem with ReCaptcha showing


New Member
I have the keys set correctly and I can see it in the source however the image isn't showing. Any ideas on what could cause this?


Staff member
have you enabled it in admin? silly question I know, but its the only thing I can think of.

Ahh sorry you said you can see it the source... I'll look at your list now and see what I can find

another update: what is the URL to your list?


Staff member
ahh your loading a lot of extra stylesheets from joomla and others most likely something in those is breaking that. I would start with removing those and see if that solves it, if so, then start removing individual CSS files until you isolate the one causing the problem.


New Member
It's strange that adsCaptcha and the normal Captcha work fine. There may be an issue somewhere since my Joomla uses reCaptcha.

For now I decided to give adsCaptcha a try because it looks interesting anyway. I will troubleshoot the other problem later.

Thanks for your advice :)


Staff member
yeah it looks like you have some absolute positioning in one of those CSS files that is specific to recaptcha.

Best of luck with adscaptcha, I hear good things about it but have not used it myself.