Premium Member Ranking Idea


Just wondering what every ones thoughts are on different perks to give premium members. I have seen sites that will give vote bonuses to people who are premium. I was thinking about a system that allows premium members to purchase the votes as many times as they want.

So lets say they are premium and they hit their vote button that brings up a gateway page saying to vote or not. It would also have something like purchase votes, linking to a page to do so. they can then pay the price ( lets just say $1.00 for 100 votes ) and once complete it will add votes to their site.

I think this is a good idea, but so far i haven't seen it done yet. Is this a bad idea? is there a reason why i cant find anyone else offering this service?

My thinking is that if i try to make a perfectly fair voting system, people will still pay others to break the toplist and give them lots of votes. So a third party is making money off votes on my site. So why don't i just offer that service myself?

Do you think this would make a lot of potential users not use my site? Most sites charge to be able to use a banner. I wont be, so the only premium features will be perhaps custom design on their listing, premium logo, and that.

Would be offering premium members a double vote bonus be better? I'm not looking to use the typical in out system every site seems to have, but maybe a points system where they can earn points to move their ranking up.

Let me know what you all think. Trying to be unique is some ways :confused:


Active Member
It's not a very good list when the already large (so probably rich) users can afford to buy the top of the list for the traffic.

That makes your list a complete pay to win and will put of smaller users, depending on the niche.