It'd be nice if site owners (and fans!) could create an account *and* have a profile display with info such as sites the user has on the top list, or if they're just a fan, a list of comics they've voted for. Sort of a "favorites" list based entirely on what votes their IP matches.
Think "Social Networking Lite". Nowhere near as complex as an actual networking site, but a nice little page people can direct others to. IE: "Check out my favorites list."
It'd also be nice if it showed the last comments the user left, etc. but I'm sure a lot of stuff like that could come after the initial creation of the ability to have a profile in the first place.
Think "Social Networking Lite". Nowhere near as complex as an actual networking site, but a nice little page people can direct others to. IE: "Check out my favorites list."
It'd also be nice if it showed the last comments the user left, etc. but I'm sure a lot of stuff like that could come after the initial creation of the ability to have a profile in the first place.