Page Bug


Active Member

I've testing random URL's on my site to see my 404 error page but for some reason it does not always work as some URL's work even though they really shouldn't.

The following for example:

I know it's not a massive issue but sometimes a user will just get a blank page if a link they click on does not work.


Staff member
This is not really a bug, more like the script has always been designed / things work in general php. You know when dealing with url query strings (?a=join , ?a=stats&u=username)... I hope you get what i try to explain, iam not that good at explanations, so maybe mark comes and makes it more clear :)

In case of ?a=join which is /join/
if you append something after join /joinshds/ this is a real 404 error page as joinshds does not exist as php file

but in your example
everything after join is seen as querystring parameter, so a extension of ?a=join ( join.php file ). All querystring parameters are usually coded within the first parameters php file, join.php in this case. So even when non existant, they cant return 404 and will simply be treated as if they werent there. Thats why the join page loads

In case of
page is the php file. AWEGAWGAWGDGF is the "id" querystring parameter. That id does not exist, thus page.php loads with blank id

In the case of pages, we need to display a error message though. Like used on stats page for example

That is a real error and could be tweaked, since the u= parameter actually exist, but its value sssss doesnt.
Though iam not sure if this could be integrated into the core, since it depends on making a page. But we could give it a try in the coming versions.
In the meantime, to take care of at least 1 error try to search in admin -> manage language for
"Invalid username. Please try again."

Try to replace that with
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=' />

Hope this cleared it up a little and did not ended in a confused mind of yours


Active Member
Thanks for the explanation, makes sense, maybe something like a default "page" page which could redirect to the error page or something :p
Like (if page name doesn't exist redirect to "url" by default)
I know a bit of php but i'm no expert :p


Staff member
Yea, something like the error for username not exist could be made for pages as well, thats for sure.
Taken it a step further like i outlined, will most likely be a user choice though