Next Update


Staff member
I cant say for sure, but i hope with 1 or 2 weeks. Was planned earlier, but life is hard, you know ;)
Iam almost done with my todolist for this version and then hand the coding over to mark from where he begin adding his planned stuff.

The least you can expect are several bug fixes, code improvements: how plugins works, menu manager, layout etc. But all that will be listed.


Staff member
meanwhile... back on my front

I've been looking at options for setting up SVN to track code changes in each release and allow multiple devs to contribute to the project. Also considering GIThub, berlios or any other hosted GIT or subversion service.. if anyone has any recommendations.

Ideally I plan on getting into a rhythm of posting a release every week or 2 to keep momentum, that has proved challenging in the past for me but Basti's recent burst of code has been a big lift to the project. A lot of the demotivating "slop" code I left behind is now being cleaned up, language abstraction completed, and we can get to work improving the user interface and working for the next batch of features which is always exciting.


Staff member
just an update to the SVN scene... I received notification today that "BerliOS" which is the repository where aardvark topsites is hosted, will be closed permanently Dec 31-2011. BerliOS will be missed, I suspect to see an influx of projects at Github.