hahaa yeaaahhhhhhh, mummy was proud about my effort to restart on coding,
considering my actual 2008 started aardwark top list still running fine, and earning money, not dat much but a 20$ a month in average, so mummy said => ok ok renew ur baby, hihiii
SO AM BACK !!!!!!
cant wait to install the V 1.2, IN THE HOPE there are those adds management i saw on this site ==>
i need to sell many many advertise !!! yeahhh as evrybody, money is the nerve of war, ha ha
did u created new interresting plugin ???? hihihiii lets seee
my new VL will be here :
its online since yesterday
gonna NEED to code all what i hardcoded into core files, TO plugins,
SO Mark and Basti !!!!!!! prepare urself for a few help , please
NO RUSH, gonna take my time to code all plugins i need by myself FIRST !!
i just will need your help to correct some mistakes, comingfrom my lost brain,
and my overcharged imagination, yeaaaaaaa hihiiii
yesssssssssss i renewd !!!!!!
many thanks guys for this so great cms, so great times coding and playing around with it you gave us
considering my actual 2008 started aardwark top list still running fine, and earning money, not dat much but a 20$ a month in average, so mummy said => ok ok renew ur baby, hihiii
SO AM BACK !!!!!!
cant wait to install the V 1.2, IN THE HOPE there are those adds management i saw on this site ==>
i need to sell many many advertise !!! yeahhh as evrybody, money is the nerve of war, ha ha
did u created new interresting plugin ???? hihihiii lets seee
my new VL will be here :
its online since yesterday
gonna NEED to code all what i hardcoded into core files, TO plugins,
SO Mark and Basti !!!!!!! prepare urself for a few help , please

NO RUSH, gonna take my time to code all plugins i need by myself FIRST !!
i just will need your help to correct some mistakes, comingfrom my lost brain,
and my overcharged imagination, yeaaaaaaa hihiiii
yesssssssssss i renewd !!!!!!
many thanks guys for this so great cms, so great times coding and playing around with it you gave us