I get an error when wanting to register members


New Member
When wanting to register a member account I get the following error

"An error was found in your submission. Please correct this error below."

After I check the password box, I write it again and it gives me an error



New Member
I also mark the next error ,,,

"The word you entered does not match the image. "

I already try to sign up as a member and it does not leave me


Staff member
looks like the captcha image was not entered correctly. Can you provide a URL where I can test?


Staff member
This happens when you enter the incorrect captcha. Try again, it will work. If not, please provide a URL where I can test


Staff member
A look into your error log file might help to spot what the issue is with you.
The other user had 2 issues, VL captcha enabled, but no GD installed on server, and some database missing column

We cant really say anything without any sort of info.

These days you can find your error log most of the time inside "logs" folder ( just before public_html )


Staff member
Can you try disabling word verification in Admin -> Settings - > Security -> Word verification on join to block spammers


Staff member
yes google captcha is a much better choice.

I just tried joining your list and got a fatal error, have you created any custom join fields?


Staff member
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: DirectoryIterator::__construct(./images/extra/): failed to open dir
This should be the issue, pls check if you have /images/extra/ folder. If not create it please
It seems we did not include it the latest ( and possibly even before ) release. So fresh installs fail at that point where the script checks if there are extra vote buttons ( thats what that folder is used for - automatic vote button placement )