Implemented http://http: Remove duplication


Active Member
Hello VL,

Ive noticed long time ago, that if some user register with http://http:// it gives a bad url when someone visit his website.

So i was thinking to solve this problem with some kind of plugin or core feature to detect and remove the http://http://

If you guys want to check if you have this kind of problems just use this url and replace YOURSITE with your domain:
Notice: You must login in admin panel before using this link


Staff member
Uh, looks like we need to work on the url validation on register/edit if such a url makes it through the checks. Should never be allowed to register with such a thing.

Thanks for pointing that out


Staff member
url validation has been refined for join/edit. It now uses the same validator for urls as custom join fields with type "url".

This fixes the double http:// as well as a hole lot other invalid combinations which were accepted with the old method
And this give a lot new valid urls, which previously were not allowed. Mainly any url with unicode characters in it.