How can I change color of Headings background


Please tell me how can I change the color of Headings background color i.e the gradient blue color of parabola skin in navigation bar, categories heading and some other headings plus larger dark blue footer ?How can I change their color?


Staff member
for the footer, place the following into user.css
#foot {
    background: #28445f url(img/light.png) top left no-repeat;/* footer background color and image */
for the headings place
h3.heading  {
    background: #2b567f url(img/bg9.png) bottom left repeat-x;
Both of these use a background color ( the hex code # 28445f for example ) and an image which creates the gradient/shadow like effect.
If you want to keep all how it is and just change the colors, simply change the hex codes in both these codes


Active Member
I would highly recommand you to use Google Chrome, so you can Right click -> Inspect Element

If you use Mozilla Firefox - search for Firebug