Well you are free to use it as Basti posted above
but its 2012 and loading external images or topsites with broken images is a thing of the past. I too have been in the topsite game as a successful list owner and developer since the early 2000's and I can assure you, locally hosted banners is a great improvement in functionality, its also one of the most common requested features for those topsites that use external links. With google factoring page load time into its algorithm this is a no-brainer, local banners greatly increase page load time.
Feel free to post some advantages of loading external hotlinked banners, so others can decide for themselves. The advantages to NOT loading remote images are well documented, but this is the first I have heard saying loading external is better. So lets bring some facts to this party if possible.
Some of my favorite advantages to allowing uploading
- most topsites load external images because the upload banner feature simply doesnt exist in Aardvark topsites and no free mod has ever been released.
-many large and popular topsites have modified their scripts to allow user uploads.
- http requests are slow and therefor considered a bad thing. External links causes 1 http request for every member.
- having uploads means zero http requests = faster load time
- remote linking is unpredictable, if your members site goes offline the image path is broken. This never happens when banners are stored locally.
- easier to prevent noob users loading ridiculously large files (talking KB not dimensions), you can restrict banner size easily and effectively.
- once importing from remote url feature is done, this is the maximum ease of use on signup.
- I can honestly not come up with a single advantage of remote linking.