

Staff member
sure, should only take a couple minutes :) I see no reason why I couldnt have it posted today for you.


Staff member
hmm looking at feedjit they now have registration and some parameters in the code that many users probably wont be able to find on their own. Instead of releasing a plugin that might be hard to configure (no easy way to find the parameters used except looking at the javascrtip code) I'll post here a step by step how to make your own.

1) create a new folder in /plugins/Feedjit

2) in this new /plugins/Feedjit/ directory create a new file called global_start.php with the following contents

$TMPL['feedjit'] = '

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feedjit.com/serve/?vv=955&amp;tft=3&amp;dd=0&amp;wid=3f1a72ecca23014b&amp;pid=0&amp;proid=0&amp;bc=FFFFFF&amp;tc=000000&amp;brd1=012B6B&amp;lnk=135D9E&amp;hc=FFFFFF&amp;hfc=2853A8&amp;btn=C99700&amp;ww=200&amp;wne=10&amp;wh=Live+Traffic+Feed&amp;hl=0&amp;hlnks=0&amp;hfce=0&amp;srefs=0&amp;hbars=0"></script><noscript><a href="http://feedjit.com/">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript>

Replace my javascript code above with your own generated from http://feedjit.com (note the javascript above is between 2 single quotes)

3) copy the other files required for a plugin. info.php, empty index.html, and /languages/ folder with at least english.php even if its empty.

So your directory structure shoudl look like this:


4) From your admin panel edit wrapper.html and paste {$feedjit} where you want the widget to show up

Congrats! You made a plugin :)

If you have any questions, let me know.