Dynamic Ranking Button Question


License Active
Hi all, I wanted to change the dynamic ranking button to better reflect my sites colors. My question is why am I seeing a difference in the way it looks in the members admin area where they choose it or in the admin buttons settings area where I can see it.
See screenshots:

admin button:

members admin button:


Staff member
Your .png file is probably made with some optimized settings. When php edits a transparent png file this can happen, if your using photoshop you might try save as instead of save for web.


License Active
Thanks Mark, but that didn't work either. I guess I'll just have to go with the ugly white background color to make it work. I also tried to make the background opacity less but that just makes the fonts jagged.


Staff member
you can redesign that entire button to look however you like, no need to use ugly white background :) transparent background probably wont work very well on all sites either. When i get some time I'll work up a few more advanced ranking buttons to help get some new button ideas out there.


License Active
Yeah the only reason I use the transparent background is because of complaints in the past from members who have their own color designs and wanted something to blend in. On the other hand the white at least makes the button stand out and gets noticed.


Staff member
Indeed, standing out quite helps often. Myself used orange before to great success.
Another point against transparent, what you do with the text? background now blends in, but white text on white site or black on black also isnt really a solution.