Database problem


New Member
I'm having a database issue although I think I know what it is ( I was green lighted for my install ) . Are @! or # allowed in the database password submission field? Here's the errors I'm getting. I edited out the directories and most of the database. If you need the full thing I can e-mail you.

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'ATWToplist.db.*** ' (1) in /home/content/***/topsites/sources/sql/mysql.php on line 32

Warning: mysql_set_charset() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/***/topsites/sources/sql/mysql.php on line 33

Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in ****/topsites/sources/sql/mysql.php on line 34


Staff member
yes it looks like you are using illegal characters in your database name OR you have not used the correct MySQL host (usually its localhost).

Unknown MySQL server host 'ATWToplist.db.*** '


Staff member
i think # in password caused an issue for someone before, but your error is quite different and pretty clear. Connect comes before db name, so i dont think its the name.
Are you maybe with godaddy? Looks a bit like them.

could you start a conversation with contents of settings_sql.php ?


Staff member
Ok ty, removed the host again.
well yea godady shared servers -.-
Not the first time it happened with their external databases. My best bet is a dns naming issue on their end, or the db resource host is down or unstable.

Think the best thing to do is contact their support and ask whats wrong with your specific database.
I also remember on godaddy it takes some time until created databases are actually accessable. At least it was at some point, like a 1-2 hours or so


Staff member
I know this has been discussed before (many, many times over the years), but for anyone else reading this topic, Goddady is not recommended for hosting a resource intensive website like a topsite list.

Once setup and you get reasonable member base, you can expect enough downtime and recurring problems to ensure the absolute failure of your list.