Can you create category labels of different colors and icons?


New Member
Sorry if I ask a lot of questions, but I am trying to make a dark theme for visiolist that looks good, my question is this ,,

Can it be configured so that category labels can have different colors and icons?

Here I put an example of how I would like it to look

categorias2 vs.jpg


Staff member
You would have to "hack" around it kind of.
What i mean is this, you put the category url template variable inside the class name to target more preceisly.

e.g class="category-btn {$category_url}"

Then you can target the button globally to have a default in case you forget some categories, plus individually

.category-btn {
    /* default color */
    color: #ff0000;
.category-btn.My-Awesome-Category-Url {
    /* default button overwrite for category 1 */
    color: #000000;