Before renewal the new relase 1.4


Just wish to ask if there is already the "callback" function implemented in Core or if exists as plugin.
That's becasue all game hoster are searcheing vor Callback to avoit players vote cheeting.



Staff member
Yes, a plugin
Credit for this plugin goes to LemoniscooL . Originally it was a paid plugin but he stopped the support and handed it over to us. So here it is for free and a bit extended

What does Callback Vote Check mean?
The Callback System catches the votes, checks the database if the user voted already today, and then calls a script located on your members server telling the script if that person voted already.
The script on your webmasters server will then be able to reward the voter automatically with whatever he wants, for example virtual currencies or downloads etc.

1) Postback function: This plugin adds the possibility for your webmasters to check weather a user of them voted already on that day or not and according to that reward them with something for example game currencies or a download etc.
  • Explanation and example script for the toplist member are located at or if you use no clean urls. You should add this url to your menu so your users know what to do
2) IP check function: Ability to simply visit a specific url on your list to see whether a specific ip voted already or not. It can be used by the member or yourself
Here you can see the explanation page, its from this plugin


Thank you for the fast answer, because a good working Callback function is actually a very important decision of customers to subscribe to
a toplist, to avoid to be rewarded without voting properly.


Staff member
I personally am not even a fan of a callback, this results in "forced" votes. These people usually not visit other sites of your list, because they just want their reward for voting
Also usually less backlinks, since this requires logged in user data on voting link on the website where button is placed, which searchengines mostly have no access to, resulting in less backlinks for you

But, each their own :)


The matter of fact is this:
Most Vote&Reward scripts rewarded already, even if captcha is not full filed, so the voter is not loosing his time to complete the captcha, because his is already rewarded with
a valid vote.
But, the most of the game hosters are not interested on fake votes, they need to progress on on toplists, without cheating the votes.
Their interest is to have many real votes to get on the top.
Does this verify that the vote has actually been cast on the site itself? The issue is that with most voting setups, all you have to do is click on the link in order to get the reward.
I need to make sure that players are actually VOTING, and not just clicking the link, receiving the reward, and closing out the voting site windows.

That is the reason that many game hosters, their popularity depends on toplists, will search always a toplist with callback
to avoid fake votes.


Active Member
Hello Mike,

Basti rule - " no matter how much you protect, cheaters will find a way to cheat ".

Even most popular websites getting cheated and no one can do anything about it.
There are few things you can do:
  • Warn the owner that if they continue to cheat they will be removed from the toplist
  • Reset their votes
  • You can use google analytics and other tracking websites so you can detect which one is cheating

I hope this helps


It seem that you are missing the point :)
Not the owner is cheating, but the community who vote for a reward.
He just click the vote link and without to complete the captcha, he close the toplist, because the votescript has already rewarded.
If the toplist supports callbacks, the vote script can be modified to reward just if the captcha was solved and the callback do his job,
otherwise no fake vote and no reward.

Just a example:

[2015-07-15 09:49] [OK] Valid callback:
[2015-07-15 09:49] [Parameter] Postback parameter: 2
[2015-07-15 09:55] [OK] Valid callback:
[2015-07-15 09:55] [Parameter] Postback Player/Player ID: /2
[2015-07-15 09:57] [OK] Valid callback:
[2015-07-15 09:57] [Parameter] Postback Player/Player ID: randanplan/2
If you can see, there is also little issue that the toplists does not send the same postbacks.
First: Postback parameter: 2
Second: Postback Player/Player ID: /2
Third: Postback Player/Player ID: randanplan/2
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