Backlink Check

Hey all,

I tried to search for this topic with the keywords backlink, checker, etc. Nothing came up so I suppose no one has asked for it before unless what I'm asking for has a different name, then I wouldn't know. I apologize if this request was already asked for.

So essentially, is it possible to have a way to check to see if sites are linking back to you? Some other top site software does that and my god its useful, but even with out Visiolist is superior.


Staff member
Such backlink checker we do not have, no.

But you can kind of simulate it using the admin setting "remove inactive sites from ranking after xx days"
They not get deleted, just removed from ranking page.

Then we have the "manage inactive sites" page to see all the inactives and remove if needed.
You can use some free tools like google webmaster tools, semrush, ranksignals etc...
Those are not instant and can take months to update(talking about webmaster tools)

ranksignals requires you to manually insert every single URL.

Such backlink checker we do not have, no.

But you can kind of simulate it using the admin setting "remove inactive sites from ranking after xx days"
They not get deleted, just removed from ranking page.

Then we have the "manage inactive sites" page to see all the inactives and remove if needed.

Is it possible for you guys to make some sort of backlink checker, it doesn't have to constantly check. Maybe as an addon? Thats something I'd be willing to pay for.


Staff member
Sure is possible, but is a bit unreliable at times and can be quite server intensive.
In terms of unreliable i mean no script can ever check within a restricted area ( unless login is provided ), like the button is in a user panel, which is often the case
Then the member also need to provide a link on what page he placed the link
What if the user entered the link where he placed the button and later replaces the button but not updates the link? another false check then

Bad things with these checkers are that they give very easy false results and you end up deleting valid members.
In the end you need to manually check every site reported not having the button. Which in turn you could just check the inactivity page right from the start.

Not sure that really is useful and maybe bit wasted money. Open to suggestions, but not sure you would be happy with that