Automatic Screen Shots?


I was wondering if there is a way to have an automatic screen shots when new members join and also when old members updates there screen shots.


Active Member
Even if this feature will be posible i will not use it:

  1. Lets say you have Adsense
  2. You have new user wich links to porn site
  3. You have bad screenshots and you show that to your visitors and users

Overall, bad for website authority, some visitors/users may get pissed, and google dont like it ;)


You don't have to use it. There should be a "ON and OFF" settings for that.

And monitor your websites and problem number 2 will be solved :)


Staff member
Not sure that would be a good idea. Somewhere for the user would be much loading time involved for generating the screen, and he dont know whats up
Automatic screen update will result also in little kids clicking that 100 times trying to bring the server down. That we can be 100% certain on. A "updated already" like now could most likely not be implemented

For join form, we may end with the same issue as for update. Will need to wait for an answer of Mark, but iam pretty certain the potential risk it could bring is enough to decline the request