First of all post your site in this section:
So that people can give you there opinion of your site.
Second, go on google and search all "paranormal communities" the reason i say this is because you are going to go on every single community and recommend the site to their members (in a non-spammy way)
Third of all go on as may webmaster forums which have a "Show of your Site" or "Site Reviews" so that the members of that forum can have a look at the site and review it for you, this is good because on average i have received ~2000 views on each review thread i have posted (Webmaster forums and niche community forums)
Also get a load more content, right now the site is bare and uninteresting.
At the moment i can't see what you've actually done to the site except the logo and stuck a load of adverts onto the site, it's as if you have just installed a fresh copy of Visiolist.
Improve your site, and Use SEO mod rewrite URLS.
Another thing you can do eventually is to link exchanges with other sites.
Have a look at my post on OSEmpire: