

Staff member

- Show static / rotating ads globally in your template or in a specific area.
- Currently featuring 4 default zones, 3 global and 1 on the details page.
- Creating new zones is as easy as a typing a few characters when you add a banner
- Additional specific areas are gateway page and ab breaks template

03.10.2013 - Whats new, and Update instructions:



Hi mark, I had the ads installed on my version from last night, went to click to add and got this error

Fatal error: Database error in "/home2/forumtop/public_html/plugins/Ads/install.php" on line 4
Table 'VL_osbanners' already exists in /home2/forumtop/public_html/sources/sql/mysql.php on line 88
So i deleted the old adds and uploaded this one and still the same errors ???


Staff member
that error looks like you are trying to run the installer again, its already installed and should be ready to go.

Morus ,
License Active
Just wondering if this plugin can be ammended with more functions.
We have 4 zones on this plugin. Would be nice if the people can log into their accounts and bid for each zone. Highest bid win what means people logo, pic, etc. will be placed in the zone their bidded for. payment integrated with PayPal, etc. I will search for script like that on internet but might be difficult for me to adapt it to Visiolist.
This plugin would be really beneficial I believe. :)


Staff member
thats a big job... too big for the moment, I had other plans for this plugin that would allow ads to be sold nicely, but I have no intention of creating a bidding system like that, its a lot of development and I'm not sure that investment would ever pay off.


In the user manual this plugin is called banner ad rotator. But how does that work really? If I have 2 adds on the same place with 1000 imprints each will it show one imprint each or does add 2 wait to show until all imprints for a is used?


Staff member
Its a rotator function.
e.g zone A has 2 ads in it, each with 1000 impression
page loads, it shows 1 of the 2 ads in a random order. Next page load might be the same ad, or the other one. This continues until their impressions have reached 0
Can I suggest an addition to this plugin to where when someone pays through paypal it will allow them to upload a banner themselves and display in that certain zone and also will place time left etc in back end. Then when time expires it takes their banner off and replaces it with the default image. Instead of waiting for the owner to place the code for them? I'd even pay for that plugin addition.
For these zones listed on my page:


Staff member
This has already been suggested numerous times and will be included as time allows as enhancement. Properbly will go hand in hand in the premium feature improvement

Not to speak, the plugin itself dont even have a paypal integration, so before anything that has to be made.
Admin side needs max image dimensions, option for time or views based duration, banner upload, lots of securing etc etc.
No use going half assed on this one ( sorry for the language ). Lots of coding, lots of testing.
Such scripts alone cost in the xx to xxx$ so you can imagine the developement costs if you were to pay for it. Ofcourse you are still free to hire us on that one, just pointing it wont go cheap


Staff member
Plugin Update
1) easy creation of new zones when you add a banner ( choose existing zone or create new )
2) More specific display areas. Now featuring Global display, Gatway Page, Details Page, Ad Breaks
3) For ad break ads, implemented a better rotation method. To be accurate, a new random ad is displayed for each ad break position. No extra queries required
4) 2 plugin files moved from the core into the plugin. see update step 3

Update instructions
1) Take a DB backup using the admin backup tool in case anything goes wrong

2) New hook is required for this. Since no one has VL 1.1 yet, you need to apply this change ONCE
sources/rankings.php locate this block of code. starting at line 308 to 324
        if (isset($CONF['ad_breaks'][$page_rank])) {
          if ($is_top) {
            // Close top table if it is still open
            if (!$do_table_open) {
              $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_top_close');
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('ad_break_top');
            if ($page_rank < $CONF['top_skin_num']) {
              $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_top_open');
          else {
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_close');
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('ad_break');
            $do_table_open = 1;
Please replace it with the following
        if (isset($CONF['ad_breaks'][$page_rank])) {
          if ($is_top) {
            // Close top table if it is still open
            if (!$do_table_open) {
              $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_top_close');
            // Plugin Hook - Used by Ad plugin for example
            eval (PluginManager::getPluginManager ()->pluginHooks ('ad_break_top'));
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('ad_break_top');
            if ($page_rank < $CONF['top_skin_num']) {
              $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_top_open');
          else {
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('table_close');
            // Plugin Hook - Used by Ad plugin for example
            eval (PluginManager::getPluginManager ()->pluginHooks ('ad_break'));
            $TMPL['content'] .= $this->do_skin('ad_break');
            $do_table_open = 1;
3) 2 Plugin files which still sat in the core code ever since release, are now properly moved into the ad folder.
sources/admin/ delete add_banner.php and manage_banners.php

4) Redownload the zip from post #1 and simply upload ( do not delete your old plugin ) via admin plugin manager. This will install the required database changes.
If you happen to replace files via FTP, make sure you click the install icon afterwards

Please report possible errors. Ive tried to make this new method as simple as possible and bit of feedback about the usability would be helpful