Admins members list???


This is a screenshoot of my members list, when it first opens its wider and has some on/off or yes/no buttons to the left but because it chnages so quick i can't make out what they are, this is the same in firefox as it is for me in ie8

heres the screenshot any ideas?



Staff member
this is a result of datatables, your not missing anything, nor should you have any issues managing your members, the issue here should be purely cosmetic. The flash you see at first is the "plain" manage members interface, which is replaced by datatables once it loads allowing you to sort/search etc dynamically.

In 0.7 this page has been stripped of datatables due to performance issues and problems with other language charsets.


Staff member
no problem, it looks pretty jacked up at the moment. 0.7 is in the final phases of testing, it could be as early as Sunday (tomorrow)