add description to join forms


Im trying to add instructions for members below the form titles on the join page.

So for instance if the form says description, I want it to say below in small text "inter your game description. This will be displayed on your ranking page".

I can manage this for most forms but not plugins that use {?join_website_extra}

For instance both my youtube plugin and long description plugin use this.

Please help, thanks!


Active Member
You can also go into admin panel, and go to -> Manage Languages.

From there you can change some words to display by your own needs, or you can edit the join_form.html
If you edit join_form.html - dont forget to make child folder and add it inside.


Yes i see how I can do this with all forms EXCEPT the plugins i have using {?join_website_extra}. I have long description first then youtube plugin right after. If i place text before {?join_website_extra}, it is before long description, and if i place it after {?join_website_extra}, it will be after youtube plugin. See my problem? I need each to have its own description but both use {?join_website_extra} to be placed on page :(


Staff member
For plugins like youtube, they make use of custom join forms. In that case you can edit the text in admin. But only above the input. After the input is not supported