A few problems / Changes


New Member
Ok, first of all the Screenshot capture is just showing black images. I got a key and stuff.

2nd, do I need a PayPal Token for the Premium accounts to work? Paypal isn't set up with Tokens anymore I don't think, the instructions for getting a token don't work. They can pay me, but I don't know if the list will do what it's supposed to.

Is there any way to give premium status to someone who hasn't paid? A way to make sure that everyone who pays gets it?

Offer A Button Showing Members Current Rank- how do I set it up? It has a spot for the button to display without rank, and then a folder where the buttons are, and how many buttons I made. Is this for multiple buttons? Do I only have Rank Buttons in the folder?


Staff member
1) your key has just been approved a couple of minutes ago, you just needed a little patience as intructed on the API form. Try it now, should be good to go.

2) yes paypal token is required, yes paypal still uses tokens, and I have just confirmed the instructions are accurate. Here is a step by step walkthrough to take you there.
Login to paypal -> Click Profile -> Click website payment preferences -> look under payment data transfer and you will see your token.

3) yes simply login to admin, edit the member, make premium and set the details (total days, days remaining etc).

4,5,6 I will write an entry for this in the user manual asap. Its quite straight forward though I suggest in the mean time you simply read the instructions that are on the form and try it out. Check your link code to see how/what is happening.


New Member
Mark, I got the Rank thing figured out. I didn't know that each rank needed a different image file, I though it may be like Ad Age's Power 150 where the rank is Text that appears over a single graphic.


Staff member
good stuff. Ah the "dynamic stats button" works like that, 1 image with stats/text overlayed on top.

We'll be introducing some more widgets in the future with dynamic data, the current dynamic stats button is quite limited.


New Member
I like the Rank button setup. It may take a lot of images to have many ranks, but it doesn't leave any room for problems. I just launched the Beta of my list today guys, wish me luck. Already got 10 subscribers, and I've set it up so if it catches traction, people will be sharing links on Twitter everyday, they'll want to display their button on the site because it shows their rank, I'll get SEO benefit + viral sharing benefit. Good stuff Mark, I was hoping for a more enthusiasm for the launch of the beta, but the major PR for the list doesn't start until 2/29. Topsitelists have largely been abandoned by the mainstream, and I'm trying to dis associate mine with what the old ones were.

What Plugins and extra features have been developed and released so far Mark? I have looked around on the forums a little bit, but would appreciate a rundown of what I've missed so far.


Staff member
Well best of luck with the launch, many of us believe we are on the verge of a new horizon in the topsitelist world, the old days are gone but this concept is far from dead. Its just a matter of time to spend coding.

All the released plugins are in the "plugins" forum, there is nothing anywhere else you would be missing. Plugin development is still a second priority for now, once we have the "core" features where we want them a lot more plugin and skin development will happen.