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  1. C

    Website Reviews?

    @cajkan thanks will do this right away !!
  2. C

    Website Reviews?

    ok do u know how i can disable the revieuwe fuction so no new reviews can be added already got a new review this morning pff -- now i remove them in the DB but best would be to not have them at all
  3. C

    Website Reviews?

    Today got messages a review was posted thought whuttttt :eek: where do the do that i cant find it -- and most important how do i swich it of or remove the option to post a review /comment
  4. C

    Join Language Flags

    wanted to ask if it is possible to show more than just 1 flag - most games support more than 1 language so would like to show multiple flags
  5. C

    ranking all sites

    can any one of u tell my how i can remove this from appearing next to my domain name thank you
  6. C

    Two Factor Authentication

    ok thank you :)
  7. C

    Two Factor Authentication

    Hello i have a problem with the Email- Two Factor Authentication All go well till i click the link in the email
  8. C

    default theme

    Thank you have made the chances you suggested
  9. C

    Upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 fpm-fcgi

    Hello i try to upgrade my site to 1.5 and when i load the upgrade i get "CGI PHP NOT detected. " when i place this in my server : <?php echo php_sapi_name(); i get this result : fpm-fcgi saidly for me i cant start new i really want to use the upgrade...
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    default theme

    Hello i have the default team enabled and have some view problems on smaller devices for some reason as soon as i have a banner in place it shows on places we don't want i have tried to remove the banners and than its ok but whit banner in place it shows like this i hope some one of u can...
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    auto approve

    The return url is that the site self or do it point to a specific file in the toplist
  12. C


    close pleas !! found it ;)
  13. C


    Hello i am working on my site but have a broken pic i can't find why this happens i hope some on of u can help me with it, the url to my sit is so u can see for yourself
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    auto approve

    that's what i told i use it for 1 site only and it have always worked and now with new site it isn't working so thats why made this topic :)
  15. C

    auto approve

    strang wile i have owned visiolist 1.4 and there it worked flawless for years - now i updated and started new so find it strange it wont work now
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    auto approve

    yes like said all works payment is done and i am redirected to the site -but after that no time is inserted and premium is pending - i have the auto enable premium enabled
  17. C

    auto approve

    Hello working on paypal and all works like it shut only strange thing is that even i enable the auto "Auto approve premium memberships" i still have to manually approve the player. Your Premium Membership is pending and will be activated once approved.. hope u can help me
  18. C

    Responsive Default Theme

    ow that's to bad love the look of it ok thanks for the asist
  19. C

    Responsive Default Theme

    Hello i have enabled the skin on my freshly installed 1.8 site and found a issue don't know if it have to do with this design Problem is when i try to vote the page reloads but stays on the vote page here is a link to try: grtz corrado
  20. C

    after new install adding new member

    @Mark Thank you that did the trick grtz corrado