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  1. Revenge

    Installation Errors

    Sorry for the double post but I just read the email. Where can I gain access to this area?
  2. Revenge

    Installation Errors

    I paid something like $35 + tax. There was some other thing that added $10 for extra downloads incase I lost the file?
  3. Revenge

    Installation Errors

    I have my hosts professional support team install it. They tried several times and said that it was dumping errors in its installation queries or something. EDIT: This is what the support team says:
  4. Revenge

    Installation Errors

    The install went to the second page where you fill out the MySQL information then when I hit next it went to a blank page which I assumed it meant the install was done. (I tested and it did it like 8 times). I went to my root, deleted the install and i get that error. Again I've tested with...