Search results

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    If you edit a page you see: The id = your id :p Greetings from a Facebook Developer :p
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    [REQ] Visiolist 1.0 Dev build

    Hello Mark and Basti, Is it possible to post a development build of version 1.0? Than we can report buggs and other things.
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    Search - Doesn't search custom fields.

    Of course you can add databese fields in your /sources/search.php You see something like this: $query = "SELECT sites.username, url, title, description, banner_url, category, acf_keywords FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites sites, {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_stats stats WHERE active = 1 AND...
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    Using Conditionals in Plugins to show content on specific pages/sections

    Spend time to something simple haha //Show on home page and all ranking pages, hide on search, stats, user control panel etc if(!isset($FORM['a'])) { $TMPL['something'] = 'This is visible only on home page and all ranking pages '; }
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    Multiple sites, one database

    If you have any problems post it here. We want to help you.
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    Multiple sites, one database

    If you want a toplist that shows the same content, but another style. You can reupload your Toplist-1 to the server of Toplist-2. Link the skins direct and use not the {$list_url} but http://name.tld/skin/yourskin/**. If you do this your skins need the same name's. Than the database can handle...
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    Mark, Is it posible to make a vote api? So people can vote from their own website with an iframe?
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    Is it possible to add an image as the Back ground

    You can do it in CSS, if you want to use it over the whole background you can use the .body tag. More about css background look here: Good Luck with your toplist!
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    Waiting for version 1.0 <3

    Waiting for version 1.0 <3
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    Premium Members Next Generation - Feedback Wanted

    I said nothing XD Is this for the 1.0 version or for a plugin?
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    Premium Members Next Generation - Feedback Wanted

    it is AWESOME! GREAT Sorry for caps but it is GREAT But, is it possible to make it for ... days free when a site/user register/join? And an coupon system
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    Paypal prob??

    Yes, this is when you create an account. They calls it "application fee". I'm still dislike 2Checkout.
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    Paypal prob??

    Normally you need to pay the "Application Fee" with the coupon code you don't have to pay that. So that saves some money :) Good Luck 2Co users.
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    Paypal prob??

    For people who wants to use 2Checkout use coupon: invisionfree why pay if it can free? By the way this is not fake! So use it! I get this coupon from by invision power board license (nexus)
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    Server Check

    De minecraft protocol is written from : This code support a few other options, but can i use this, and if yes HOW! Because in HTML isn't posible to use PHP
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    VisioList 0.9

    Do you know when version 1.0 comes?