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  1. PPNSteve

    Screenshot Server Maintenance

    any updates on screenshot servers.. The linux one is dealing black images the last few days.
  2. PPNSteve


    I pre load the sites before approving them.. so I know they work...... at least here anyway. right now, we're still getting no response or black images from the screenshots...
  3. PPNSteve

    Bug Fix Found a bug..

    thanks for the fast fix.. :)
  4. PPNSteve

    Bug Fix Found a bug..

    I had 2 sites pending approval right.. so I went to edit one as they messed up their title and after saving it, but leaving it inactive, it was no longer on the pending list. OK went back to it and re-saved it as active, but now it doesn't go to the pending screenshot list nor shows up in new...
  5. PPNSteve

    Screenshot Server Maintenance

    I'd like to please.... let me know.
  6. PPNSteve


    I get that for a few of my sites too... refreshing the screen image doesn't help.
  7. PPNSteve


    Nice, for me, that would ultimately be the best option.
  8. PPNSteve


    will do.. and keep in mind the list for requested screen updates
  9. PPNSteve


    it seems to be hit or miss..... sometimes works, other times doesn't no matter if original screen was black-screen or not. I'd love to find out what is causing it so it can be fixed, but at this time I really have no idea
  10. PPNSteve


    yeah was gonna say its some sort of MIME failure anyway.. not sure what's causing it. If its somehow mod_security, we are currently running the default rules that come with the cPanel implementation of mod_sec on this server. I did also notice on another regen, that sometimes you need to...
  11. PPNSteve


    Thing is is we don't know the URLs for regen requests.. it just show # awaiting and then pops up the screen gen window. (Perhaps a edit request type of listing for screenshot updates should be presented here) only difference that I saw is there was one new request for a just approved site and...
  12. PPNSteve


    Ok this is becoming a bit annoying..... went to gen 3 screens, one new and 2 waiting (update) requests and when I gen them I get this:
  13. PPNSteve


    ok.. deleting it worked.
  14. PPNSteve


    not sure.. they did submit an edit recently and, of course, the screen gen request
  15. PPNSteve


    thats not whats happening when I generate it from my list.. I just regen'd it and i get the random chars and the noted login page screen
  16. PPNSteve


    Hey, I'm having an issue with some screenshots.. for example, renders a login screen and not the site (i've tested the url, it does load the site in all browsers.) Also when I gen the screenshot, the server returns: �PNG IHDR5؂Z...
  17. PPNSteve

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    Also getting blocked by Firefox and its listed in Google's badsite list.
  18. PPNSteve

    Implemented suggestion for admin area

    Let me think a bit about that - you never know I could get a decent idea here.
  19. PPNSteve

    Implemented suggestion for admin area

    will do.. I may be just splitting hairs here anyway :p
  20. PPNSteve

    Implemented suggestion for admin area

    it redirects to itself, thus acting like a dead end if there no other approvals pending. header("refresh:1; url={$TMPL['list_url']}/index.php?a=admin&b=approve_edited");