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  1. top50servers

    Server Check

    You would be better off installing it and reporting any errors you get.
  2. top50servers

    Working On It Social Booster Plugin

    2 months down the line, any advancements into this?
  3. top50servers

    Report Error Forum / URL bug.

    Hi all, I have just noticed there is no type of 'Report' area on the forums themselves, might be an addition to add. As to my issue, some how a user got this link though the check on account creation and when it came to loading the URL it printed this error :
  4. top50servers

    Visiolist for Mobile

    I will be straight up honest, I have done zero research into the subject. I didn't know what it would entail so I simply posted a discussion thread. I may look into this in the future when my skills (hopefully) mature.
  5. top50servers

    Visiolist for Mobile

    Just wanted to open up a thread to discuss the possiblity of Visiolist going on mobile. Mobiles are becoming a larger and larger part of everything that happens online and it seems like an untapped source for the gaming market, who knows, it could even be used for mobile app rankings. Any...
  6. top50servers

    AdBlock work around.

    Hi everyone, So my toplist has been gaining some growing traffic recently, but with that so has the different type of people that use my list and some on them happen to use this little plugin called AdBlock. Here is what my toplist looks like with and without it. With: Without: I have...
  7. top50servers

    Editing votes of cheaters?

    Have you implemented the 10 second jQuery? This solved alot of problems for me. Follow this post if you haven't already. On top of that, I have mentioned before the keeps track of millions of proxy and...
  8. top50servers

    Custom Enter Field

    Something like this might be useful in the tutorial section! Hi, So I was wondering how to make a custom field for the sign up section of the site? Here is my example. Minecraft Server IP: [Box to enter IP address] Now I need this on the 'Join' page, the 'UCP' and in any other location I...
  9. top50servers

    Callback Vote Check

    Visio 1.1 Seems to be an error at the top of the page.
  10. top50servers

    Top50Servers - Before the Re-Design.

    Thanks for the feedback, I feel we should start to give back to Visio what it has given us. May of the toplists will go though a skin every year or 2 or even shorter to keep with the times.. Might as well give something back rather then leave it around ;)
  11. top50servers

    Top50Servers - Before the Re-Design.

    Hi guys, So I'm not going to drag this out. I'm bad at graphics and at BEST an amateur at CSS and its magic so this is pretty much what I could do with it. I am however very good at targeting my audience (saying so myself) and this is just as the 4 month mark comes up with the 1st month being...
  12. top50servers

    Over $500 in prizes! VisioList Skin Contest

    I like the idea, and I don't want to be rude and say its a 'lack of knowledge'. Maybe its more that the community seems rather small, extremely active but small non the less.
  13. top50servers

    Banner Upload limit

    Where can I change the banner size upload limit?
  14. top50servers


    Saw on another top list, really like the idea. So for certain topics you could have keywords on the banners that help describe the game itself. Games : Server, Minecraft etc etc Music : Rock, Punk etc etc Hosting: Web, VPS etc etc Rather then just have catagory, have additional keywords...
  15. top50servers

    Banner run for Days?

    :eek: Basti answered this question in the topic he closed, read the reply.
  16. top50servers

    Duplicate Names Joining

    Just set it to remove inactive accounts?
  17. top50servers

    Duplicate Names Joining

    If you could provide an example maybe Basti could think of something
  18. top50servers

    Duplicate Names Joining

    People would simply change a letter or a number in order to get around this. Perhaps doing it by URL would be a better option.
  19. top50servers

    Implemented Premium Membership Remander Timer.

    The e-mail I can understand being Premium. Thanks for considering the Premium box though, I feel it will help drive revenue.
  20. top50servers

    Implemented Premium Membership Remander Timer.

    Noticed a post saying 1.1 was done. Just wondering if this made it in?