Search results

  1. Basti

    Only show for premium

    In reference to this But its mostly in german, so here again in english You need a simple plugin to hide the stats, or a slightly more advanced to switch out html based on member type, i prefer the 2nd but will list both 1)...
  2. Basti

    Best way to move my upgrade

    option 1: can be done, but can be tricky for unexperienced users. Not really suggested. So yea option 2 is better. But with a catch Make a backup of database and files, then move files over, except settings_sql.php and WHOLE plugins folder and run the updater. Why skip plugins? its using 1.2...
  3. Basti

    Version 1.2 (Multiple Categories Custom)

    You cant have sub categories / multiple categories. You can however do some sort of custom join field in admin. But that wont bring you anywhere really. - has no relation to the category the user selected - as no ranking page like a real category
  4. Basti

    Hellooo VL !

    Hey there, welcome back. To be honest, not my type of skin, or rather needs a bit of more work in my opinion - black sidebar doesnt go to well with that style in my opinion - Logo needs some serious work. - Menu images seems badly cut out from some site/google where background was white instead...
  5. Basti

    404 settings error

    Pauline its the same issue most likely like last time. Mod_security blocking predefined values in button_config.php "" They did not like it, sounds stupid to apply such a rule to mod_security. So try opening button_config.php and replace all values with your actual domain
  6. Basti

    Up & Down Arrow Images

    Because its not using a green one? For this skin its grey, if you need a different one simply create one and upload it to the parabola child folder then link it as {$skins_url}/{$skin_name}/child/{$up_down}.png instead
  7. Basti

    Just a little thank you

    Thank you for the kind words :)
  8. Basti

    Brute force

    Why would you want that? Someone not getting login right after 3 tries, something sure is fishy. Maybe they should use "forgot password" Else, wait an hour, then it gets unlocked
  9. Basti

    Godaddy hosting and .htaccess mod_rewrite

    A full error message is needed, also if possible error log Out of the box, no, we cannot provide you with a godaddy only option ( yes godaddy sucks ). That requires testing to see what code actually is at fault, we do not have a godaddy account, hence cannot test this issue. If you let us play...
  10. Basti

    category assignment

    Vielen Dank :) Email wird ja an sich nicht ausgegeben, das heisst du kannst das gleiche machen wie mit dem title, nur das tmpl tag nicht {$title} sondern {$email} ist. Das gleiche mit dem port. Falls du den servercheck plugin benutzt ist es {$query_port}
  11. Basti

    Screenshot Updater (Language Changed)

    Now that is odd, the plugin to be downloaded in resource manager only has english and german, yours looks like swedish or so. Since your main site is in english, i would look into screenshots/languages/english.php Must have edited at some point to swedish, for whatever reason, cant think of...
  12. Basti

    Help for the stats list

    You are missing the jquery which handles that. Open up wrapper.html and find this $(function() { Below on a new blank line add the following $('ul.tabs').each(function(){ var $active, $content, $links = $(this).find('a'); $active =...
  13. Basti

    Premium Members displayed first

    In the rankings itself not, thats not how it is intended. Our premium membership is no "pay and get top spots". But, you could make use of the sidebar where it lists the premium members. Also has an admin setting to control how many shows up. So you could take the template tag from wrapper...
  14. Basti

    IE9 not showing my website properly

    Sniffed around using IE developer tools, it appears it aborts the loading of the js and css file. Not 100% sure but it appears the issue lays in your list url. Your list url "" Notice there is whitespace before the http:// Which results in IE 8 and 9 trying to...
  15. Basti

    category assignment

    Ah, gut das du es gefunden hast. Ne paypal kaffekasse gibt es nicht direkt, nur unsere beiden normalen adressen, kaffee ist immer sehr willkommen :). P.s sorry für meine rechtschreibung, durch das viele englisch ignoriere ich immer gross und kleinschreibung im deutschen
  16. Basti

    IE9 not showing my website properly

    Hello alfred This is a bit hard to troubleshoot without actually seeing the website. Most likely your server sent the wrong mime types for css files, or the file itself has some some malformation Like ive seen on the web in a css file a comment like /*================= Some text here...
  17. Basti

    category assignment

    1) if($TMPL['category'] == 'Category' || $TMPL['category'] == 'Category') Du hast das doppelt, das || heisst "oder". Hab ich dir nur mit rein gepackt der vollständigkeit halber. Häät ich vlt erwähnen solllen :P Wenn du es nur für eine kategorie machen willst dann nur if($TMPL['category'] ==...
  18. Basti

    Working On It Email system suggestions

    This has been added into 1.3 when you filter by inactive days With ability to filter by: - greater than xx days - greater than or equal to xx days - lower than xx days - lower tan or equal to xx days - equal to xx days
  19. Basti

    category assignment

    Ah ich glaub jetzt weiss ich was du willst. Du willst also diverse elemente wie {$title} nur in bestimmten kategorien haben. Du kannst leider nicht andere template tags in die zonen via admin packen. Zonen laufen über die datenbank wo template tags nicht funzen. Da müsstest du fast alles aus...
  20. Basti

    Implemented Admin Panel Relocation

    Headsup on this matter. As some already know VL 2.0 is in development since a bit while we release a bit small stuff ( next updates wont include to many new things, due to this ) So in 2.0 this wont be possible. Instead we took the route of user group permissions, so anyone trying to access...