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  1. Mark

    Premium Banner table_row table_top_row

    I believe you will need a custom plugin to make it work the way you want, it’s quite different from the intended method.
  2. Mark

    Premium Banner table_row table_top_row

    yes, you need to wrap those links in an image tag something like: <img src="{$banner_url}">
  3. Mark

    Premium Banner table_row table_top_row

    I believe this is because newer versions use video conversion for banners, so we no longer use the path to the image but rather render entire HTML code block. You shouldbe able to use {$banner_url} and {$premium_banner_url} in your templates to accomplish what you need if I am not mistaken.
  4. Mark

    [Resolved] Need a little help with upgrade

    Hey There, long time! PHP 7.2 is recommended because 5.6 reached end of life a couple years ago. VisioList will still function fine with 5.6 though so you are good to proceed with the update. Since you are upgrading from such an old version, its probably a good idea to remove or disable all...
  5. Mark

    ranking all sites

    You can change the wording of "All Sites" in the admin panel, phrase/language editor. languages/english.php $LNG['main_all'] = 'All Sites'; OR you could make your own plugin file: rankings_order_by.php: if (!$TMPL['cat_exist']) { $TMPL['header'] = "{$LNG['main_header']}"; }
  6. Mark

    Two Factor Authentication

    Seems like a conflict with the recaptcha and 2fa, I will investigate asap
  7. Mark

    Member button has no size limit - huge fills page, should resize or have a size limit so large button can't be submitted

    Hello, there is a height, width and filesize restriction on buttons uploaded. Check your admin -> settings, sounds like you have it disabled.
  8. Mark

    Screenshots problem.

    That is very odd, I am not able to duplicate this. If you generate all screenshots does that work?
  9. Mark

    VisioList App

    not really, i mean its possible, but our dev time is quite limited and its more suitable as web server based app rather than a native standalone app.
  10. Mark

    2-Factor Authentication

    Yes I confirmed that user passwords email sent as normal in all circumstances.
  11. Mark

    Trying to get SMTP working, get an error...

    Most likley the CA certificates you have installed are outdated and/or do not include the root certificate. This guide should help you:
  12. Mark

    2-Factor Authentication

    I just tested the password reset with your exact settings, the function fired as normal, I did get a warning from Gmail that they blocked the request. But once I approved it the password reset email came through as expected.
  13. Mark

    Information "text" subpages have been losing the bold html effects

    in your skins/default/child/user_cp_main_menu.html template: find: <li class="dropdown-item premlink"><a href="{$list_url}/index.php?a=user_cpl&amp;b=user_premium"><i class="fas fa-money-check-alt"></i> <strong>{$lng->user_cp_premium_buy_menu}</a></li> Replace with: <li...
  14. Mark

    Information "text" subpages have been losing the bold html effects

    thanks, that should help isolate the cause. Checking now.
  15. Mark

    Information "text" subpages have been losing the bold html effects

    You are going to need to provide an example of the code with a URL, most likely you are using a font-family on the front-end that does not contain "bold", if its a google font, its as easy as adding the correct font-weight to the tag in your <head>. family=WHATEVERYOURFONTIS:wght@400;600;800
  16. Mark

    Error: Invalid Category.

    I just tested on the dev list and was not able to reproduce this, all of the spaces became - as expected in the slug field. Very strange, I dont see why this regex woudl fail on your server but will keep digging. Did you type these category names into the admin panel, or "paste" them for...
  17. Mark

    Error: Invalid Category.

    Your category slugs are not correct. If you look at the slug for Cabal Online its Cabal-Online and this is correct. Spaces should be replaced with - Not sure why some are correct and others are not, maybe you pasted from a word processor or something that has spaces that did not get...
  18. Mark

    Error: Invalid Category.

    Thats an odd one, never seen that. I would check your database and see what you have set for category and category slug values. Can you provide a screenshot of your _categories table?
  19. Mark

    edit_join_field issue

    Basti is not around these days but I'm assuming $TMPL['error_field_choice_value_'.$i] .= ''; $TMPL['error_style_field_choice_value_'.$i] .= ''; should have been: $TMPL['error_field_choice_value_'.$i] = ''; $TMPL['error_style_field_choice_value_'.$i] = ''; I...
  20. Mark

    Upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 fpm-fcgi

    just proceed with the upgrade, you will be fine.