Recent content by Mark

  1. Mark

    code für scrennshots

    Is this what you are looking for?
  2. Mark

    läuft das script auf einen server der die php version 8.0 hat?

    I tested the latest version 1.92 with PHP 8.3 and things seem to be working fine.
  3. Mark

    läuft das script auf einen server der die php version 8.0 hat?

    It should work fine with PHP 8. I will test with 8.3 in the coming days and post an update if required.
  4. Mark

    Details Menu

    right click, hit inspect. It will show you the class to change. if you still need help, provide a link to your list and I will give you the CSS rule to copy/paste.
  5. Mark

    No permission to download

    Excellent, happy to hear it
  6. Mark

    No permission to download

    Try it now, if it still doesn't work for you I will need to reset your password so I can login as your account and figure out why this is happening for you.
  7. Mark

    No permission to download

    strange, please try it now
  8. Mark

    Theme from homepage image

    Hello, that screenshot is from a members site, its a customized theme with custom code for the game integration. Sorry for the confusion, I will update the home page to remove that image.
  9. Mark

    Link Code not showing up?

    Hello, does your button_config.php have some contents in it? should be something like: $CONF['count_pv'] = 0; //Count pageviews $CONF['text_link_button_alt'] = 'AA Toplist - The Best Traffic Websites'; // Text Link Anchor, Alt for Buttons $CONF['text_link'] = 1; //Enable Text Link...
  10. Mark

    json_decode (depreciation)

    The deprecation warning you're seeing occurs because json_decode expects a string as its first argument, but in your code, $old_slugs is null. To fix this issue, you should add a check to ensure that $old_slugs is not null before passing it to json_decode. Here’s how you can modify the line...
  11. Mark

    Callback Vote Check

    just paste this tag anywhere in those templates: {$form_acf_callback} you can do this from your admin panel, or via FTP. If you do it via FTP you should copy the templates from /skins/default/ into /skins/default/child/ and edit them there.
  12. Mark


    You do not have an active license so no support is available. That said, the script should work just fine with cloudflare.
  13. Mark

    VisioList 1.9

    ok I have updated your site and set the server to run PHP 8, it also works with PHP 7.4 if needed. Let me know if you run into any issues.
  14. Mark

    VisioList 1.8 Released

    still supported, just quiet so not a lot of new development taking place
  15. Mark

    Paid for the Install....and now

    OK the list is installed, I emailed you the credentials and next steps. Thanks again for your patience.