Wondering About Something.



I was wondering if there was a way to display hits in and out like in the bottom picture on my toplist (top picture.).


Staff member
no problem, open table_top_row.html and table_row.html templates from your skins folder and add the appropriate tag:

{$unq_in_0_daily} - unique hits in today
{$unq_in_0_weekly} - unique hits in this week
{$unq_in_0_monthly} - unique hits in this month

{$unq_out_0_daily} - unique hits out today
{$unq_out_0_weekly} - unique hits out this week
{$unq_out_0_monthly} - unique hits out this month

if you want to show total in/out instead of unique:


you can also check the user manual for more information on tags: http://visiolist.com/docs/styles-design