Website Analytics Tracking


Active Member

I wanted to start a little debate regarding Google Analytics & AWStats, which one do you use and why and what have they got over each other? A lot of people claim AWStats is inaccurate and some claim that Google Analytics does not count all views.

My Experience:
Google Analytics
-Good User Interface
-Reliable Statistics
-Can only count views if user have Java enabled.

-Counts each and every single user view
-Can be manipulated from server side

So now i personally rely more on AWStats to get accurate stats as it can see everything that has been on my site, whether they have Java enabled or not. Google Analytics is a little inaccurate as it can't count users who have Java disabled on their browser therefore they can't count those hits which when it comes to selling a site could be showing only 60% of your traffic.

This is based upon the fact that on GA my stats seem lower than on AWStats, even though i have not manipulated anything on the server.


Google Analytics:


Staff member
Personally ive never been a fan of either.
Though i like awstats more, but rarely ever use it. For tracking i always use
Its very quick on updating stats, but is a little inaccurate as well sometimes


Staff member
I prefer awstats, and typically believe it to be more accurate. Google Analytics is great to, but I can get the info I need faster with awstats.