Vote Message


Staff member

This plugin will display a success or fail message for the incoming hits ( Hits In / Votes )

- Success is styled green telling the user he voted successfully for "user title"
- Fail is styled red telling the user he voted today allready for "user title"
- both messages include a return to website link and a view stats link as well as the hours until next vote would be valid

- Upload through plugin manager and paste {$vote_message} in wrapper.html where you want the message to appear

- If you upload through ftp, upload zip contents into plugins folder, paste {$vote_message} in wrapper.html where you want the message to appear.
Then click the install icon next to the plugin in the plugin manager

25.04.2013 - Display hours until next vote is is valid



Staff member
Ah i see, this does not work with gateway page enabled ( iam myself not using it ). Thanks for the catch.
Will post an update soon


Staff member
Ok Mark, give it another shot. Runs smoothly with and without gateway now
simply reupload through plugin manager or unzip and replace files on ftp.

Let me know how it goes
It works now. Great work! One small thing, the word already is misspelled in the english.php file.

"It appears you voted today allready"

Morus ,
It is really nice plugin I was missing that for my website :)
But any chance to make that text apear on gateway.html not onmain website? I tried to place the {$votemessage} in gateway.html but doesn't seem to work.


Staff member
That just makes no sense sorry. How could it appear on the gateway?
its supposed to display a success message, this cant appear before you clicked "vote" on the gateway.
Dont make the mistake to place such messages on the gateway page itself. you will loose hits in defenetly ( besides not making sense )

Are you properbly after something different? a generic message to be displayed on gateway?
then in_gateway would be the plugin hook your after

Morus ,
Maybe I didnt explain it properly. When you clicking vote it is redirecting you to stats.html and the message about successful voting is appearing there. I wanted it to apear in gateway.html after clicking "vote".


Staff member
Nope, by default it does not redirect to stats.html, its also not suggested to do that.
You must have added the redirect via a plugin yourself.

wanted it to apear in gateway.html after clicking "vote"
Thats why was confused, after clicking vote its not the gateway anymore. This plugin does exactly what you want. Its not function that way because after vote something redirect to stats.html


One option to consider too, would be to add a 'pre-vote' check. This way if they've already voted today, the "vote" button wont even show up for them. Rather replace the 'vote' button with a button/link/text that says "You've already voted today, proceed to site."


Staff member
More a core issue. Not even doable with a plugin.
But indeed, this would be a good option for the core when the high priority features are done.
If that is in, there is no need to show this plugin message anymore on fail voting when gateway page is enabled, since it cant happen anymore
Or dont show the gateway at all, just produces an unneeded click, instead present him straight with the fail message ( still more a core issue )

Taken into consideration, thank you :)
One option to consider too, would be to add a 'pre-vote' check. This way if they've already voted today, the "vote" button wont even show up for them. Rather replace the 'vote' button with a button/link/text that says "You've already voted today, proceed to site."
We already have an option that shows that you voted after the gateway. What you are proposing does not save the user anything. They still have to click through to get to your website. They actually might click away from your website if they already know their vote won't count which is not your objective.


Staff member
if a user has already voted, they should simply be sent to the main ranking page with no gateway, its not worth losing valuable "in" traffic.


Staff member
thats fine, you cant have the cake and eat it too ;) Either get the in traffic and hopefully it converts out to your members or advertisers on your ranking page. This is a much more sensible option than sticking a useless gateway page up for someone who cannot vote and risk losing the in click completely.

historically gateway page has some seriously low CTR anyway, I maintain my original comment as correct and best practice. Further you seem to have contradicted your last statement which I agreed with.


if a user has already voted, they should simply be sent to the main ranking page with no gateway, its not worth losing valuable "in" traffic.
This is a much more sensible option than sticking a useless gateway page up for someone who cannot vote and risk losing the in click completely.
historically gateway page has some seriously low CTR anyway, I maintain my original comment as correct and best practice. Further you seem to have contradicted your last statement which I agreed with.
Very interesting points you bring up here Mark. I think I will be removing my gw page very shortly here, as well as installing this plugin!

Shawn Hagan

i just uploaded this plugin zip following the instructions and somehow it wanted files located in /plugins/languages/languages/english.php when the upload put it in the root. so maybe need to check your plugin tool ot however it installs.. i made the directory so it works.. but it was def a bug to report


Staff member
This might be related to some server settings. Not every webserver fully supports it.
Were all system requirements green during VL script install?