

Just curious - the stats markers that are seen on front page - how are they set up to work? Daily? Weekly? Based on what stats?


Staff member
"today" or "average" as you have set in the admin ranking settings.

Based on the stats collected from incoming clicks, or pageviews counted whatever you have set your default rank method to be.


Staff member
No it changes as soon as one climb or fall in the ranking.
if rank differs from old_rank ( 30 min cached value ) it will update the markers, else keep the neutral.

Here an example

Ranking method - Pageviews
Ranking period - weekly:

Rank by average or just this week:
- If by average: it often need more time for members to climb up, as average value dont reset to zero like pageviews .
The average is always calculated from the last 10 weeks, so at the new week pageviews number reset to zero, but the average not, leaving the members where they were last week. So members longer on the list have a big advantage to the new ones

- if by just this week:
The actually numbers are what counts ( pageviews this week ). Starting next week everyone starts off new with 0. So it differs greatly by the average method

I personally am no fan from the average method, but seen many lists using it