Site Cloned


Active Member
Hello Donald,

Im sure lots of websites have very simmilar issue, if you want to be unique. I suggest you to hire some developer/webdesigner and create unique design and then you can add protection to your website.

Mostly known website protection is DMCA ( Digital Millennium Copyright Act )

You can create free account, and protect your website, and if you want something professional you can get paid protection etc..

Also you can contact competitors website host, that they are using copy from your website and you dont allow permission for sharing etc...

If any webmaster got other experience would be great to share with us.


How did they manage to clone my site though without access to my database?

It is not just similar to my site, it is my site, it even has my analytics code.

If you click on a category on his site though the css does not load.
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Staff member
Looks like they just copied pasted your viewable source code, admin directories and actual data does not exist. But this can cause duplicate content penalties for your website, you should contact their host and report copyright violation, it's clear they have stolen your property.


Thank you, I have sent an email to the hosting company, I also told them you are not happy about your (not free) software being copied. Hope you don't mind.