[Paid] I need config my site like http://youranimelist.com


New Member
I've Visiolist 0.8 but dont know coding and i very like youranimelist.com .
So I'm finding if who can help me modify my site like this site.

#1. http://youranimelist.com/join/ (Enter website and automatic get Tittle and Description) instead of typing by hand.

# 2. Show Screen shoot of website instead of Banner. (I dont like their banner in my site) and i want show as http://youranimelist.com/category/Anime-Downloads/ (dont show Pie with Stats link like default )

I think this is very easy if you are know coding. If you have free time please PM me in Inbox the fee of this request and time to finish.

Thanks very much.



Staff member
1) you simply need to download the plugin called "Elegant Join" and upload the zip through your plugin manager and its installed :)
2) for 2 you firstly need to enable the screenshots plugin and get an screenshot api through admin settings.
Then you can use the following in table_top_row.html
        <a href="{$url}" onclick="out(this,'{$username}');" title="{$title}" class="vistip" rel="nofollow">{$screenshot}</a>


New Member
Thanks for help.
I almost done. But i dont know how to move In, Out in the right and same line like this


Here is table_top_row.html

<div class="table_top">

<div class="table_top_title"><span class="rank">#{$rank}</span><a href="{$url}" onclick="out(this,'{$username}');" class="show_banner" title="{$title}" rel="nofollow">{$title}</a></div>
<div class="table_top_inside_border">
<div class="table_top_inside"><a href="{$url}" onclick="out(this,'{$username}');" title="{$title}" class="vistip" rel="nofollow">{$screenshot}</a>

<p>{$description, length=255}</p>


<div class="catinfo"><em>{$lng->g_category}</em>: <a href="{$list_url}/{$url_helper_cat}{$category_url}{$url_tail}">{$category}</a></div>
<div class="box_stats">
<span class="in_out_tip inline_block cursor" title="{$unq_in_0_monthly} Votes recieved this month" style="color: #666666;">
<p><b>In</b><br /><font style="font-size: 14pt; color: #91BD09;">{$unq_in_0_monthly}</font></p>
<a href="{$list_url}/{$url_helper_a}stats{$url_helper_u}{$username}{$url_tail}" class="button green">More Info</a>
<span class="in_out_tip inline_block cursor" title="This site recieved {$unq_out_0_monthly} visitors from us this month" style="color: #666666;">
<p><b>Out</b><br /><font style="font-size: 14pt; color: #FF5C00;">{$unq_out_0_monthly}</font></p>
<a href="{$list_url}/{$url_helper_a}forward{$url_helper_u}{$username}{$url_tail}" rel="nofollow" class="button orange">Visit Website</a>

P/s: How to make my Screen Shoot large than this default? like youranimelist.


Staff member
You will need to use either floats ( float: left ) or inline blocks ( display: inline-block )

<div id="block1">screenshot</div>
<div id="block2">
    Descrption<br /><br />
    <div id="block3">Hits in</div>
    <div id="block4">Hits out</div>
</div><br class="cb"/>
If you use float, make block 1 float: left and block 3 float left
give block 2 margin-left: 242px; A number until the block switches to the right side
give block 4 margin-left: 23px; A number until it sits next to Hits in
At the end of the block 2 div, clear the float using class="cb" ( you should have this class by default )

if you use inline-block make a new css rule called
.inline_block {
    display: -moz-inline-stack;
    display: inline-block;
Its a bit longer to cover cross browser support
add to each div ( from above ) class="inline_block"
add to each a div id ( block1, 2 etc ) a fixed width for this to work
This is the method i use, as i personally prefer inline-block over floats, but it doesnt really matter, using floats is shorter in code
Mr. basti I am also trying to do the same stuff... Where should i put that float or block thing??I couldnt able to understand your post in which you discussing it please elaborate it for the beginner :p :)


Staff member
It isnt much easier to explain. Basicly follow the code example. Matter of files its obviously table_top_row.html ( ranking files ) and the css
ok Basti But can you please paste your table_top_open.htm code here as it as? Cause it will really help me to understand all this!


Staff member
My file wont help you, as it has other info which you really dont need and might just confuse you.

Really, just do what is told in my post. Instead of the text "description" use the template tag found in the html file {$description}
instead of screenshot text use {$screenshot}
hits in can be {$unq_in_0_daily}
hits out {$unq_out_0_daily}