If a user only wants his referring linkcode


If a user only wants his referring linkcode ? What shall he use ?

Right now all i see (as a user) is the image/banner ref links
<a href="http://mysite.com/">My VisioList<img src="http://mysite.com/button.php?u=sonia" alt="My VisioList" style="display: none;" width="1px" height="1px" /></a>
The HREF only shows the main domain ? Nothing related to user.

In other words. For now the only way clicks can be counted, is by clicking on the image with the code encoded ?


Staff member
Nope, it lists only domain for SEO reasons, once someone clicks the link ( image doesnt play any role here, a plain link would also work ).
Once someone clicks it, the script makes some checks in the background if the site the voter came from is registered on your toplist, thats how it gets the correct user

The code your quoted there is needed in case you have pageview counting enabled in admin settings, thats what the invisible button is for.
If you not make use of pageview counting, you can safely edit link_code_type_link.html of your skin and remove the img tag.