Add link on other


New Member
Hi there,

For some reason I cannot add my toplist site to
their link directory script says "Could not find our URL at the reciprocal link you provided. You need to link to us to be able to submit a link. Please use the back button of your browser to return to the previous page."

This is what I got from the webmaster the Bikelinks robot sees:
It does not accept that as a valid link due to the javascript component, I suspect.

<td><a href="" onclick="out(this,'bikelinks');" title="The A to Z for Motorcycling" class="vistip"rel="nofollow">BikeLinks</a></td>

What can we do about this?


Staff member
So let me clarify, you added bikelinks to your topsite, and you provide their robot a url which he checks for a backlink?
I doubt the onclick has anything to do with it honestly, its valid hml coding. And if so its there fault for not coding a proper check that allows other html components in the a href code

Maybe they require a link as they tell you ( just a guess without seeing example backlink code )
And if it dont matches 100% they dont see it as backlink.

So maybe they REQUIRE thee link to be
<a href="">BikeLinks</a>
without any of the extra stuff


Staff member
Iam not sure, i do not know that directory and do not plan to signup. Would help if you let us know the exact text they gave you
"add this code somewhere to your site to validate"