Search results

  1. J

    Working On It Credit system

    I very much doubt that anyone will complain just for the fact of registering being that to have a website in the top of any form would have to register.
  2. J

    Working On It Credit system

    Correct, the possibilities with this change are innumerable which would make the system even more interesting. I would like to see also a Brazilian payment method using the pagseguro, in brazil we use this method more.
  3. J

    Working On It Credit system

    I really believe that it would be an update that everyone would enjoy and it would certainly bring more support period renewals to gain access to this update. Something that would be interesting would also be to add at least one Brazilian payment method because here we do not use much paypal...
  4. J

    Working On It Credit system

    Currently many top are working with credit system as this allows faster transactions since the user can leave the saved credit. How it works, the user buys the credits that are available within the site to be used as the user wishes, either by hiring a banner, scheduling a banner, signing a...
  5. J

    Want your VisioList featured?

    These are the pages that I found most beautiful, would it be possible in the new theme to create something like this statistica page?
  6. J

    Solvemedia on Gateway

    it would be a good idea
  7. J

    GoodBye Parabola

    no problem, just my opnion. :);)
  8. J

    GoodBye Parabola

    I think it's not just me, but I spent a lot of time in the Admin area , always following the registrations and other details could be improved colors , let him also take a responsive and changed in this menu. Here is an example of structure and colors that I found beautiful...
  9. J

    GoodBye Parabola

    Version 1.6 comes with a different look and something change as improved security , optimization, or something else? It would be nice also improve the appearance of the Admin area , the current is simple but is well outdated and face it is not pretty.
  10. J

    VisioList 1.5

    I'm having trouble installing from scratch. all requirement are correct. When I click install generates the following error: After hosting is generated by the error log: According to the error: [21-Jun-2016...
  11. J

    inserting video

    Hello , I would like to congratulate the founders and developers, amazing job you have been doing. Currently I use version 1.4 , I wonder how I can change for members and insert flag standard power is to embed a YouTube video. Add field where he would inform the youtube video instead of...
  12. J

    Problem with the code of the vote.

    I left the generator in this way and it worked, thank you. {$lng->link_code_static_button} <a href="{$list_url}/index.php?a=in&u={$username}" target="_blank"><img src="{$list_url}/button.php?u={$button_username}&buttontype=static" alt="{$text_link_button_alt}" /></a> <br /> <textarea...
  13. J

    Problem with the code of the vote.

    voting link is normal : The problem is that it is not generating the correct code. It should be like this: <a href=""> <img src =...
  14. J

    Problem with the code of the vote.

    Hello , my ranking is generating the following code: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Top 200 Lineage2" /></a> When the visitor clicks the button it is not redirected to the page to vote. He is...
  15. J

    Ranking position

    Solved thanks.
  16. J

    Ranking position

    Here we do not change . if you want to spend my access data to see you like this.
  17. J

    Ranking position

    Thank you so much. Only got the css a bit broken .
  18. J

    Ranking position

    almost worked.
  19. J

    Ranking position

    table_row.html <div class="blog-four-item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="blogs-four-head"> <div class="blog-meta"> <i class="fa fa-calendar color"></i> &nbsp; {$join_date} &nbsp; <i class="fa...
  20. J

    Ranking position

    Hello, First of all I would like to give my congratulations to all involved in the development of this amazing system. You could help me? My ratings so, realizes that the member 1 and 2 are next to each other. I wanted to position them one on top of another.