User chart on login


Can someone please explain me what this chart shows?

I consider that it is related with the visitors/clicks of the website that is submitted by the user but what this".." means? right?

As i can see, there are a few vars that are replaced
        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['', '{$lng->g_out}', '{$lng->g_in}'],
          ['{$lng->g_this_month}',  {$tot_out_0_monthly},      {$tot_in_0_monthly}],
          ['{$lng->g_last_month}',  {$tot_out_1_monthly},      {$tot_in_1_monthly}],
          ['..',  {$tot_out_2_monthly},      {$tot_in_2_monthly}],
          ['..',  {$tot_out_3_monthly},      {$tot_in_3_monthly}]
Maybe it should be instead of ".." something like "2 months ago" and "3 months ago"

Also what if a user have submitted 2 websites using the existing feature?
There will be chart only for the first submitted website


okey i find out alone reading the code ^_^
in case someone else will need this,

what is called 'in' is votes and 'out' is website visits.
now 'unique' is more like valid votes/visits while 'total' is valid + invalid votes, so if we make something like 'total' - 'unique' we will have the invalid votes/visits.

now about the 2 websites registered on the same account i guess there should be 2 charts, one for each one, or to select which website you want to check like other pages like edit etc..
i will restrict on my website , one account = one server which means i will delete the existing feature but in case someone wanna use it, it is something that is missing :)