Active Member
Hello,The premium issue is most likely due people not returning to your list ( you are being redirected back to merchant in 10 seconds ), so a start date or whatever never gets into database.
Next premium release make use of paypals notify url where then the checks happens instead on the url where people return to. That should be more bulletproof
I come back on this subject, I have the latest version and still no implementation of notification (ipn) of paypal. I have indeed a member having taken a Premium subscription, he didn't have to come back to our site following his payment, so the Premium flag has not been activated so it has not been processed.
During the purchase, there is just :
<input type="hidden" name="return"
he's missing:
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url"
and maybe:
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return"
Is it possible to set up this system quickly?
Thank you in advance