one "hit" per IP


Staff member
That is happening already for in,out, pv. Also knows as unique in, out, pv.
the total in, out, pv well, are the total


Staff member
Ranking is either in, out or pageviews. In all cases ranking is calculated by unique not total raw hits.

What your seeing is likely a result of your skin showing total hits, but it would still be ranking by unique. Open table_top_row template and look at the template tags used, you can display any stats you like but it has zero effect on ranking.

  • {$A_B_C_D} - Stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'; C is either 'max', 'avg', or an integer from 0 through 9 where 0 is today/this week/this month and 9 is 9 days ago/9 weeks ago/9 months ago; D is 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'
  • {$A_B_overall} - Overall stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'
