Ranking is either in, out or pageviews. In all cases ranking is calculated by unique not total raw hits.
What your seeing is likely a result of your skin showing total hits, but it would still be ranking by unique. Open table_top_row template and look at the template tags used, you can display any stats you like but it has zero effect on ranking.
{$A_B_C_D} - Stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'; C is either 'max', 'avg', or an integer from 0 through 9 where 0 is today/this week/this month and 9 is 9 days ago/9 weeks ago/9 months ago; D is 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'
{$A_B_overall} - Overall stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'