Professional Web Developer & Coder
Not really meaning to sound petty (but may be failing and actually doing so
) but my whole life for the past decade has been as an affiliate of this or that (and my main line of business is actually owning an affiliate network) and I'm seeing that VisioList link in the footer of my install and the little affiliate devil on my shoulder is poking me saying "hey, you could reasonably make that your own affiliate link for VisioList instead of the straight URL link that's already there" (lol)
I know, at least for myself, when I like a script that I see online then the first place I look for more information and a link for the script provider would be in the footer.
May I have your (whomever is 'official' here) blessing to replace that link with my own affiliate link from the VisioList affiliate program - for VisioList?
Not a real big deal, just curious

I know, at least for myself, when I like a script that I see online then the first place I look for more information and a link for the script provider would be in the footer.
May I have your (whomever is 'official' here) blessing to replace that link with my own affiliate link from the VisioList affiliate program - for VisioList?
Not a real big deal, just curious
