How can I view the Votes as a number


New Member
Hello, where can I set the are represented as numbers on the website the votes . Currently, only the statistics are displayed . But I would like to display the votes

it should look like


Staff member
Hello, you can add any tag you like in the templates:


the tags are outlined here:

namely this part:

  • {$A_B_C_D} - Stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'; C is either 'max', 'avg', or an integer from 0 through 9 where 0 is today/this week/this month and 9 is 9 days ago/9 weeks ago/9 months ago; D is 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'
  • {$A_B_overall} - Overall stats - A is 'unq' or 'tot'; B is 'in', 'out', or 'pv'
so to show how many votes today for example, the tag would be: {$unq_in_0_daily}
to show the votes this week: {$unq_in_0_weekly}


New Member
Hi, thanks for the help . It worked wonderfully . Now I have another question where can I set the time interval for Vite lock .
from 24 hours to make Say 12 hours or 3 hours. Best wishes

Hallo danke für die Hilfe. Hat wunderbar funktioniert. Jetzt hab ich noch eine frage wo kann ich den Zeit Intervall für die Vite sperre einstellen.
Sprich aus 24 Stunden 12 Stunden oder 3 Stunden machen. VIele Grüße


Staff member
the only way to do that is to setup a cron job on your server to empty the IP log every X hours.

name this file something random like 12324142498878.php and upload to the root directory (where settings_sql.php is found)

then run the script via cron every X hours.


define('VISIOLIST', 1);
$CONF = array();
$FORM = array();
$TMPL = array();

// Set encoding for multi-byte string functions

// Change the path to your full path if necessary
$CONF['path'] = '.';

// Connect to the database
// Set the last argument of $DB->connect to 1 to enable debug mode
require_once ("{$CONF['path']}/settings_sql.php");
require_once ("{$CONF['path']}/sources/sql/{$CONF['sql']}.php");
$DB = "sql_{$CONF['sql']}";
$DB = new $DB;
$DB->connect($CONF['sql_host'], $CONF['sql_username'], $CONF['sql_password'], $CONF['sql_database'], 0);
$DB->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_ip_log", __FILE__, __LINE__);


Staff member
You can place it anywhere and it will show up where you put it, you just need to try and see where you like it best.
Sorry for bothering again, but I tried to add the code "{$unq_in_0_weekly}" inside either one of table_row or table_top_row, it didn't change anything. I assume I did it wrong.
So I just want to change the "Stat" and replace with IN and OUT vote numbers


Staff member
Please ensure you are adding this to your child theme, it will work.
When I try to Child Edit in both parabola and bootstrap, it says "skins/bootstrap/child/wrapper.html -> The file is not writable or does not exist"


Staff member
When you edit the template via admin, it will create the template in the child folder.